Samantha McDonald

It’s that time of year when people start to think about options for the year ahead. Here are some areas that need to be considered.

New year resolutions

Samantha McDonald

It’s traditional, at this time of year, for people to start thinking about their options and how to make next year even better, with some people leaving their current jobs in order to take up new, more exciting positions in the new year.

Have you thought about what 2008 looks like for you? Are you finding yourself completely run down as we approach Christmas, just hanging on for some time off? Maybe now’s the time to reassess your work life and come up with a plan to make the next 12 months a little easier on yourself, and your family.

Here are some things to think about:

  1. Hours of work – Are you happy with the hours you currently work? Are you able to fit in everything you have to do in the office, as well as all your duties at home? Do you get enough hours at work, or too many?
  2. Rate of pay – Is your income allowing you to have a life outside of work? Do you make ends meet, and are you happy with what you earn? (I know you’ll probably always want more, but is your current pay packet okay for now?)
  3. Flexibility – Does your current workplace allow for a little flexibility when it comes to things like sick kids? Is the workplace family-friendly?
  4. Enjoyment – Do you actually enjoy what you do? Is there something you’d like to add to your workday that would make you feel more challenged, or is there something you’d like to take out?

All of these things can make a massive difference to your life. Spend some time over the next week just sorting through your current job in your mind, and note anything that you would like to change.

Then make an appointment with your boss (or yourself, if you are the boss) and start working through the changes. Remember, a happy worker is imperative to a happy workplace.



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