I’m thinking about how busy I am, and how much I do, and wondering which parts of it are just a lot of wheel spinning. This week, I am tak…

I’m thinking about how busy I am, and how much I do, and wondering which parts of it are just a lot of wheel spinning. This week, I am tak…
I though the the baby boomers ahead of me were pushy and self-absorbed. Then I started interviewing Gen-Ys. Generation gapI’ve always un…
The new bloke wants a new chair, a Palm Pilot and a ‘study’ trip to the US. All I want is to sack the b*stard. Catalogue of errors, p…
More punters are warming to houses one street back from the beach. (If only they’d warm to this house I can’t sell, one street back from…
Human contact? In the virtual Second Life world? Absolutely! And this sort of immersive contact will one day add real value to your business…
You’re caught in a traffic jam and late for an appointment. Stressing out won’t help, so let people know you’re stuck and sing, sing, …
More on converting visitors into sales. See how it is done – and how it is not! How to increase your new website designs conversion rate: …
I’ve just had an epiphany that I know you’re going to love. It’ll make your business more enjoyable and customers will be drawn to you…
Bankers who eschew lending for consolidation might be tempted to back a roll-up. The difference? Well, they sound different. Ah, that sou…
Property investment does not have to be a negative experience. Having the returns cover or exceed the costs can bring benefits, particularly…
Resisting technology change is a recipe for trouble. Companies should embrace it using customer-focused thinking. Embrace change, don’t…
There are some merits to WorkChoices but, to the Government’s cost, they have been covered by political band-aids – and business is paying…