Why are people hostile to home businesses? What is it exactly that they don’t get? Home truthsWhen I began my research into the emerging…

Why are people hostile to home businesses? What is it exactly that they don’t get? Home truthsWhen I began my research into the emerging…
The days of one-way consumer marketing are over. From now on, it’s a two-way proposition. Paying attentionA few months ago, I wrote about t…
With Web 2.0, feedback and advocacy comes faster than ever before, speeding up the evolution (or extinction) of brands. User-generated co…
It’s important to control your brand, sure. But don’t turn brand into bland! Marketing by the bookAn old client of mine was totally committ…
There was no mistaking her intent when she aimed the full glare of her cleavage at me: it was to distract me from a mistake. The mistake was…
Yes, I have my favourite internet resources. You’ll like them too. Here are my top 5. Five favourite findsYes, let’s continue with the five…
Working alone at home can feel like doing a stretch of solitary confinement, but there are ways of improving the outlook. Don’t get stir …
Maybe they’re visiting another version of Second Life; the media’s negative reporting doesn’t seem to be based on the virtual world I …
Costello has tinkered with personal tax rates, but has he failed to make the real reform business is crying out for? It’s great to see th…
Someone once said, ‘The errors maketh the man’, or at least they should have. Which is why Nightmare on Spring St has a Hollywood ending…
In matters of security over borrowings, there’s nothing like a little syntax to smooth a banker’s furrowed brow. Payment in kind?However fl…
How lucky am I to be doing what I love?? I’m so happy I can laugh at whatever life throws up at me. Out of the mouths of babesThis morn…