SMEs using Windows Vista advised to switch as Microsoft ends operating system’s support

Small business owners running on Microsoft’s Windows Vista operating system should be looking to upgrade as soon as possible as Microsoft has ended support for the operating system (OS), meaning users will no longer receive security update or any type of technical support.

The company announced the decision via its support website, laying the 10-year-old software to rest as it plans to “invest our resources towards more recent technologies so that we can continue to deliver great new experiences”.

It’s somewhat unlikely many users are still running the OS, as a number of security concerns along with poor speed optimisation led to the OS being mercilessly canned by the technology community. The OS was so unpopular, it has its own Wikipedia page outlining the multiple issues with the software.

According to Netmarketshare, only 0.72% of all internet users still use Vista, so if you’re one of those and would like to continue using Windows, it’s time to switch to either Windows 7 or 10. Microsoft advises that Vista users will still be able to access their system and use it as normal, but they will be significantly more vulnerable to security threats and will find “more apps and devices that do not work with Windows Vista”.

Cyber security expert Michael McKinnon, from Sense of Security, told SmartCompany earlier this month failing to update your systems is an “unforgivable sin”.

“If you’re not patching your systems you’re just asking for troubles. This includes your smartphone, PC, tablet, network systems, everything,” he said

“Don’t get into the habit of postponing updates or you will suffer the pain.”

Files and user profiles are able to be seamlessly transferred from old to new operating systems via Windows Easy Transfer.

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