Last week, Google rolled out a significant SEO update – Penguin 2.0. And there have been some big changes. As Jim Stewart describes,…

Last week, Google rolled out a significant SEO update – Penguin 2.0. And there have been some big changes. As Jim Stewart describes,…
Google has announced that its big Penguin 2.0 update is coming. This week, Jim Stewart runs through the three things you must do to pre…
Google is always changing up the rules regarding SEO, and for small businesses, it can be hard to keep up. Thankfully Jim Stewart has al…
Over the past week, Google issued a major update to its search algorithm, impacting the search rankings of Australian companies. Jim Ste…
Google is keen on making sure webmasters know the best practices for getting ranked on the search engine. In this week’s edition, Jim …
Have you ever heard the term, “negative SEO”? It refers to a practice whereby a competitor can manipulate Google into forcing your site …
Are you running an ecommerce site? Then your SEO is crucial to making sure you’re converting clicks into sales. This week, Jim Stewa…
You may have missed it last week, but Google made an announcement about its AdWords policy. For any business using AdWords, one of the …
There are more rumours appearing about a possible Google algorithm change. Jim Stewart delves into the reports and figures out what exac…
Google has released its latest cheat sheet, a publication on the best way to search. But Jim Stewart delves into what makes this release …
Plenty of businesses have run into a problem where the dominant referring keyword in analytics is “not provided”. This week, Jim Stewa…
p>Every so often a business may find its Google rankings have been affected. Sometimes its because they did something wrong. Sometimes …