I bet you’ve come across the problem of broken web addresses in emails. It’s mostly due to the unwieldy length of some web addresses. Th…
I bet you’ve come across the problem of broken web addresses in emails. It’s mostly due to the unwieldy length of some web addresses. Th…
Downloading and streaming is booming, according to a new report from Nielsen Online. More than one-third of Australian internet users have d…
Computer game players have a reputation more as nerdy introverts rather than opinion leaders, but apparently they have a strong influence ov…
Cyber criminals are using malicious software embedded invisibly in popular websites to obtain valuable information from people visiting the …
The banks want more access to your credit history. The industry is pushing for changes to privacy laws that would allow them to check out bo…
Tell us something we don’t know. But did you know that only the Portuguese waste as many working hours as Australians, according to an int…
Not usually known for being on the cutting edge of technology or web trends, some law firms are adopting webcasts for communicating with cli…
Deputy Prime Minister Mark Vaile says unions have trumped the business campaign on WorkChoices during the election campaign.Although a busin…
We’re now just three days away from the election and the political parties have put all of their major policy promises on the table. But w…
InformationWeek has published internet security firm Symantec’s list of the top five security threats for 2008.Data breaches: The biggest …
Amazon has launched an electronic book reader, called the Kindle, which it hopes will revolutionise the way people buy and read text-based v…
As if we need another worrying trend to throw into the climate change mix, but here it is anyway – there appears to be a connection betwee…