The anticipated bidding war for iiNet has kicked into next gear, with TPG firing the latest shot to secure the budget internet provider. TPG…

The anticipated bidding war for iiNet has kicked into next gear, with TPG firing the latest shot to secure the budget internet provider. TPG…
In order for your business to survive you need to build change into your business, according to Zach Nelson, chief executive of cloud softwa…
Microsoft is integrating with cloud software company NetSuite. NetSuite chief executive Zach Nelson announced the partnership at the SuiteWo…
You’ve probably noticed people sporting what looks to be a black plastic band on their wrist, you may even be wearing one yourself. Fitbits,…
It’s the stuff that makes you look good, and your life and job easier, that really matters when it comes to technology. Online tools that ar…
If you’ve had a business website for some time, you will no doubt have received feedback on it. And like many who have taken it before you, …
Email newsletter provider MailChimp has released figures showing the 10 emoji most commonly used in email newsletter subject lines, one day …
Mozilla has begun phasing out support for websites that don’t use HTTPS encryption, with new features in Firefox to be limited to secure w…
Guy Kawasaki made his name as Apple’s “chief evangelist” a term he says was coined by the marketing team. He was one of Apple’s firs…
Finally it seems the podcast’s time has come. Podcasts have been around for a while now but recently more and more people are turning to t…
Dave Goldberg, the chief executive of internet survey company SurveyMonkey died suddenly on the weekend. Goldberg was 47 years old and marri…
Apple is rumoured to be considering including payment-receiving terminal capabilities in its upcoming iPad Pro tablet. Although not official…