Singaporean-based telecommunications company MyRepublic has fired a shot at the federal government’s National Broadband Network, labell…

Singaporean-based telecommunications company MyRepublic has fired a shot at the federal government’s National Broadband Network, labell…
Google revealed this morning it is restructuring into an umbrella company called Alphabet Inc. The new corporate entity will operate as a…
I bought a ukulele a while ago and was challenged to use it in one of my videos. Never one to shirk a challenge, I wrote a song about a mark…
“The days of getting a PhD to get your businesses online are over” declared James Carroll, GoDaddy’s international executive vice president,…
Sit down in front of your computer and Windows 10 might know who you are before your fingers even touch the keyboard. Some of the changes ma…
Regular readers of this blog will by now know that the most expensive part of the design, content and technology pieces of the website pie s…
In 2015 brick is the new black with ‘pure play’ online retailers moving into the physical store. Retailers who are responsive to change and …
Increasing numbers of SMEs have websites for their businesses but the majority are not optimised for mobile, according to research releas…
Australia is on track to become Stripe’s third biggest market, and co-founder John Collison says online sales will rocket with Apple Pa…
Did you hear about Windows 10 yet? Wednesday was the big launch day for Windows 10 in 190 countries around the world. Touted as the best ope…
Microsoft has formally launched Windows 10, the company’s latest desktop operating system. A decade ago a new Microsoft operating system w…
When you get into the higher echelons of Google ranking, there is very little difference between website quality once you’re on the first pa…