2015 is almost over and we have a new government that is full of promise. Australia seems to be keen to put the days of negativity in politi…

2015 is almost over and we have a new government that is full of promise. Australia seems to be keen to put the days of negativity in politi…
“The cardinal sin of the computing industry is the creation of complexity,” is quote attributed to Oracle founder Larry Ellison and ofte…
Troubled video streaming service Quickflix has cut more than 20% of its staff in an effort to survive the Netflix revolution. In a statement…
We love the brand and we are willing to invest our life savings in it. After all, this is a well known franchise with hundreds of stores…
Airbnb has been forced to apologise for an ad campaign it ran in San Francisco that set out to instruct the city on how to spend the taxe…
A startup boasting an app with 15 million downloads and nearly $US40 million in funding abruptly shut down over the weekend. Israel-based…
I often have clients who want to move their sites, and then are surprised that their numbers drop after getting into their shiny new …
Technology is now essential for company directors as fraud costs hit $8.5 billion in Australia. For many years boards have been running c…
Blown away by the internet, Meltwater founder Jorn Lyseggen planned to build the world’s smallest software company. Things turned out differ…
US workplace collaboration tool Slack has a new fan: Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. Turnbull is well known for his interest …
Imagine in the next decade, your business’s performance reviews could be done by a robot supervisor. Or you hail a cab, except it’s a…
An increasing number of entrepreneurs are stepping away from their desks and running their businesses from mobile devices. And the tech g…