Regular readers of this blog will by now understand the importance of keeping abreast of new business and technology developments. In…

Regular readers of this blog will by now understand the importance of keeping abreast of new business and technology developments. In…
Stephen Conroy’s National Digital Economy Strategy is one of those wordy documents full of platitudes and high-level aspirations, which begs…
Sometimes I wake up at 4:30 in the morning and ponder over things. I don’t want to, I just can’t get back to sleep. On the weekend I was pon…
Australia will rank in the top five OECD countries for the number of businesses using online opportunities and the proportion of households …
Google and Facebook have cautioned against wholesale changes to internet regulation, in a two-day meeting of tech giants, academics and poli…
A website allowing people to rank allied health professionals is a welcome development, and professionals in financial services, accounting …
The next big social media IPO could be just weeks away, with social gaming giant Zynga reportedly preparing to float in June with a valuatio…
Shares in Russian search engine giant Yandex NV jumped 55% after listing on the Nasdaq after a $1.2 billion capital raising. The compa…
A few years back I did what any self-respecting web professional would do and set out to experiment with this brave new world of social net…
Over the last 25 years I have started one commercial lighting retailer, three IT businesses, one marketing business and a social venture. Un…
Tech giant Apple has come to the defence of its developer community, stating in a letter that individual app makers should not be targeted f…
With the resurgence of online retail in Australia following a number of investments from media companies and venture capital firms, industry…