Apple to launch HDTV within four years, analyst claims

Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster, who was among the analysts who predicted Apple would release the iPad in the first quarter of 2010, has made another prediction – the tech giant will launch a HD television within four years.

According to an AppleInsider report, Munster issued a note to investors saying the television could be launched within the next four years and the upcoming iTV device is only a stepping stone towards that goal.

“Apple’s ability to deliver hardware, software and content that could replace an entire entertainment system with a single TV, puts Apple in a unique position for the emerging connected TV cycle,” he wrote.

“Apple already has several of the key ingredients for success in the connected TV market, many of which would differentiate Apple from current market players.”

Munster points to a data centre in North Carolina which could act as a hub for the television service, which could allow users to stream films and television shows through iTunes.