McDonald’s rolled out a fun little experiment in Sweden recently when it released 3500 virtual reality headsets – which were actually Happ…

McDonald’s rolled out a fun little experiment in Sweden recently when it released 3500 virtual reality headsets – which were actually Happ…
By Stefan Hajkowicz, Data61
The last few years have seen numerous studies pointing to a bleak future with technology-induced unemploymen…
Apple has been ordered to help FBI investigators access data on the phone belonging to San Bernardino gunman Syed Rizwan Farook. The technic…
This week I had the pleasure of sitting down to lunch with Ken Richards of Interlease to talk through the advantages of leasing a fleet of I…
Ask around – everyone has an opinion about their email and their inbox, and it’s not always positive.
From information overlo…
We are in the job of helping technology laggards become technology leaders. So when we see leaders suffering technology problems we find it …
A virus attack on the computer system of one of Melbourne’s largest hospital networks is cause for concern because it affected machines…
If you’re still kicking it old school and running Internet Explorer 8, 9, or 10, Microsoft is urging your business to get up to speed. …
Many startup service businesses begin with all the best intentions in the world and grow because they deliver fantastic personalised serv…
Ransomware is costing my business a fortune so here are some tips to help you avoid it.Right now the biggest unnecessary cost to my business…
Influence comes in many forms. It can come through having the wit, intellect and experience that makes people listen to you. Most importantl…
There is a lot of talk around about hybrid IT at the moment and it is a symptom of the time we are in. Hybrid simply refers to having a mix …