Masses help the pros design

Ever bought some snazzy new gadget or item only to wonder, “why did they design it like that?”. Well now there is a way anyone can have a little input into the design of consumer products, thanks to a Dutch site called RedesignMe.

According to Springwise, people frustrated by their mobile phone, coffee machine, or in fact products of any type, can submit a photo or video of the product along with a description of what they think needs redesigning to RedesignMe.

Then other visitors to the site can weigh in with their own comments on the product and your proposed changes, and can add their own comments on the product by using electronic post-it notes, text balloons and arrows to point out on the picture or video where the designers went wrong.

The only issue may be how much the designers and product manufacturers out there actually pay attention to what people say on the site. In the meantime, at least you can have the pleasure of venting your spleen about your latest expensive, yet poorly designed, gizmo.