iPhone App of the Week: ReelDirector

The addition of a video camera to the iPhone 3GS had a lot of tech-geeks excited, and a number of applications are now taking advantage of this new feature to enhance the gadget’s capabilities.

ReelDirector allows users to add and stitch clips together, edit lengths and even add text watermarks to films.

The app even allows users to add opening and closing credits to films, with four different styles and nine separate positions. Transitions are also provided, with 27 different types to choose from when switching shots including fades, dissolves and wipes.

Users can also view timelines of clips in order to simplify editing procedures, pull full previews of frames into focus and even email clips from within the app.

While ReelDirector leans towards the more expensive side of apps at $9.99, tech analysts on the internet have praised it for providing the first full editing suite on the device.