It’s 9am on a Tuesday and gathered around the table is a smattering of people from executive and management ranks with one task: come up w…

It’s 9am on a Tuesday and gathered around the table is a smattering of people from executive and management ranks with one task: come up w…
By Luke Buckle.
In a recent tweet, outgoing Fishburners chief Annie Parker claimed that Australian start-up language needs to change.
Dimension Six. That’s the name founder Phil Knight was pushing before ‘Nike’ was chosen at the last minute.
‘Nike’ had come to …
Love or loathe them, startup buzzwords are here to stay.
But before you appoint a “Chief Happiness Officer” and bandage the office wi…
Information designer Edward Tufte has said “to clarify add detail” and while I appreciate and often use the sentiment, the detail can be…
Hurtful phrases may be worse than sticks and stones. Either way, those hurts jangle when someone either deliberately or in haste flings neg…
Switching the pronouns they use is one of most profound ways a business leader can improve their way their company interacts with its custom…