It’s fascinating how the political rhetoric around the Australian economy has changed in the space of a few months. It’s not that long …

It’s fascinating how the political rhetoric around the Australian economy has changed in the space of a few months. It’s not that long …
The Westpac-Melbourne Institute Leading Index fell to 1.6% in June, as the economy grapples with consumer and business caution, higher savin…
Consumer confidence has taken another dive as concerns continue to mount about the global economy, but experts say the outlook could get eve…
The Australian sharemarket has gained back some losses made this morning after an initial drop of 2%, after turmoil on the weekend when Stan…
Business loan balances contracted by the biggest monthly amount in June since September 2010, the Reserve Bank has revealed, as business sen…
Westpac has re-launched its Bank of Melbourne brand in Victoria, although new figures show small businesses see little difference between th…
Westpac is predicting a 1% cut to interest rates, putting it at odds with the other major banks, as low consumer sentiment continues to hurt…
The auctions market may have delivered yet another poor result but Westpac’s prediction that interest rates will drop 100 basis points over …
A new report reveals that business deposits far outweigh loans to businesses, particularly among small firms facing an ongoing struggle to a…
Consumer sentiment has hit a two-year low as concerns escalate about the European financial crisis, the ongoing impact of interest rate rise…
Unemployment remained steady at 4.9% in June and the number of new jobs soared by almost 24,000 but economists say small business is struggl…
Westpac chief executive Gail Kelly has gone out of her way to reassure the market the recent rise in mortgage arrears is not out of the ordi…