Blogs are having an ever more noticeable impact on the daily news cycle in the US as they move towards the presidential election later this …
Blogs are having an ever more noticeable impact on the daily news cycle in the US as they move towards the presidential election later this …
With a new marketing-savvy PM in the Lodge, maybe it is also time for a brand, spanking new manifesto for marketers to adhere to… Fresh s…
Big internet players such as Google and Facebook have joined forces to try to create a consistent means of identifying and managing data acr…
We all know that the web has been a boon for targeted advertising, but it is the deals that are being done behind the scenes that will make …
As more people flaunt their identities online through social networking sites, computer security risk is growing. The Australian Financial R…
Business owners who ban social networking sites like Facebook may be made to feel like wowsers. But at least your employees are working. A s…
An innovative new scheme from RMIT University trialed this year at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu is set to spread across industry in 2008.The sch…
The movers and shakers had a big year in 2007 – doing business will never be the same. But, as MIKE PRESTON reports, it’s no good gettin…
Facebook has launched legal action against a posse of 17 hackers associated with a Canadian company that manages a portfolio of adult conten…
Bebo, one of the most popular social networking sites, has 40 million registered members. Founders Michael and Xochi Birch talk to JACQUI WA…
There are few online past-times more narcissistic that Googling yourself. It’s the sort of thing everyone does, but no-one admits. Until n…
Two titans of the web world, Google and Wikipedia, are shaping for a head-to-head battle of epic proportions, with each preparing new produc…