The growing number of refugee entrepreneurs in Australia is having a material impact on the Australian economy as these business owners begi…
Preliminary research from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) has found people with disabilities have a 50% higher rate of entrepreneu…
There is a strong economic argument for increasing Australia’s refugee intake, according to a report published this week by the Univers…
A PhD student at the University of Technology, Sydney has been awarded the 2015 Fulbright Indigenous Postgraduate Scholarship to advance his…
Westfield boss Frank Lowy was a refugee from war-torn Europe The University of Technology, Sydney business school has secured a $200,000 gra…
Business schools must teach broader skills such as entrepreneurial thinking, rather than just the specialised business knowledge traditional…
Striving to be a sustainable enterprise is an admirable goal for any business but maintaining that status can be difficult, as Tess Lloyd an…
Textbook rental start-up Zookal has staunchly defended itself from copyright infringement claims, after raising $1.2 million from US-based p…
A start-up launched by the ithree institute at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) plans to develop autoimmune drugs after receiving …
Australia’s productivity decline is the result of “entrepreneurial complacency”, according to a new report, which highlights the need …