Job seekers were less active in November, but employers’ demand for labour is continuing to accelerate, according to the latest data relea…

Job seekers were less active in November, but employers’ demand for labour is continuing to accelerate, according to the latest data relea…
The new Coalition opposition signalled that it will focus more heavily on rebuilding its support among business owners in announcing its sha…
Opposing Labor’s plan to remove the unfair dismissal exemption for SMEs will be the first priority for new Opposition small business spoke…
Low-profile Queensland MP Steven Ciobo will be the new Opposition small business, service economy and tourism spokesman, Liberal leader Bren…
Former small business minister Fran Bailey was rumoured to be in line for a top shadow ministry position, believed to be industry or finance…
The strong dollar, stale tourist experiences and limited inbound passenger flights have stifled the growth of the $84-billion tourism market…
Craig Emerson has retained responsibility for small business, independent contractors and the service economy – and takes on a new task of a…
Leadership of the industry and small business portfolios is set for a major change after the Labor win on Saturday. While it is expected tha…
We all know Australia is the best place in the world, but what does the rest of the world think? Pretty much the same way, according to a ne…
It’s time for some medium term predictions. Here are the trends you need to be aware of post-election. This week we will see a dramatic shi…
Will the Australian and Asian markets get a case of US-flu? We will certainly know by 24 November. Yesterday I had a call from a Man…
Soaring oil prices threaten to send Australia’s petrol prices through the roof – and the only thing holding it back is the strong Austra…