Australia’s tourism body has revealed marketing for what many thought was a real Crocodile Dundee sequel has, in fact, been a tourism camp…
When it comes to official campaigns to promote tourism to Australia, there seems to be an obsession with lifeguards. But when it comes to g…
With Chinese New Year lunar festivals well underway, the early economic winners from the festivities include the Australian tourism industry…
Foreign tourists are travelling to Australia in record numbers, an increase the tourism industry is attributing to savvy marketing by Touris…
US-based home rental service Airbnb has highlighted the growth of Australia’s tourism industry, after announcing plans to open an office i…
Federal Government data released yesterday shows domestic tourism is up 6% in its strongest 12 months since before the global financial cris…
Tourism Australia, Austrade and the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism have joined forces to promote investment opportunities acros…