While speculation continues apace about possible tax and superannuation changes in the upcoming federal budget, some positive news on the GS…
While speculation continues apace about possible tax and superannuation changes in the upcoming federal budget, some positive news on the GS…
A recent court case has demonstrated the limitations of the Tax Office’s power to collect tax. The case dealt with one of the Tax Commi…
The Australian Tax Office must have one monster computer system to store all the data it continues to accumulate! The use of data-matching (…
Family businesses are a very large part of the backbone of SMEs in Australia. How strange then that the term “family business” is not even d…
The Australian Tax Office has been using small business benchmarks for a number of years. This approach has not been without controversy, wi…
In a recent speech, the Assistant Treasurer, David Bradbury, indicated the federal government was not in a position to lower the current $1,…
Thousands of self-managed super funds continue to be set up. Their attractions seem to know no bounds. However, there are a large number of …
The small business capital gains tax concessions are valuable to many SMEs. They can reduce the value of capital gains on which tax must be …
A former self-managed superannuation fund advisor has been issued a suspended sentence of 18 months, while the ‘mastermind’ of more than…
The growth of self-managed super funds (SMSFs) continues its upward path. The investment by the sector in property is also on the rise. But …
The Australian Taxation Office may target the swelling investment in residential property through self-managed superannuation funds, with ex…
The taxation implications of insurance payouts can become quite “messy” and are not always clear. A recent decision by the Administrative Ap…