Another year, and another Apple product hits the shelves. But this time it isn’t a fancy new gadget tempting Mac lovers, but an update to …
Another year, and another Apple product hits the shelves. But this time it isn’t a fancy new gadget tempting Mac lovers, but an update to …
Dealing with legacy systems is an ongoing challenge for many businesses. Legacy doesn’t mean “old” – indeed, many financial instituti…
The IT industry loves buzzwords and the phrase coming into fashion is “big data”. Forget “social media” or “cloud computing”, much of what y…
Paul Ramsbottom is the managing director of ASI Asia Pacific, a company that provides iMIS and other software for non-profit organisations. …
It’s a rare SME for which IT isn’t integral – meaning that when IT breaks, the trouble it causes can be substantial. This fact cont…
Microsoft debuted its Surface tablet this week, in a mystery event kept so under wraps journalists didn’t even know the location until a f…
Justin Kan didn’t expect the police to break down his door after creating a start-up dedicated to documenting his life minute-by-minute. B…
Kudos this week to The Iconic; an emerging fashion brand that’s using a variety of digital marketing tactics, both online and offline, to …
Internet entrepreneur Ruslan Kogan caused a bit of a stir last week when he announced he would “tax” anyone buying products form the Kog…
Yesterday, I was fortunate to be invited by StartupSmart blogger Adam Franklin to his Social Media Down Under event. I’m normally reluc…
Until recently, truly comprehensive disaster recovery (DR) solutions have largely been the preserve of the big end of town. With the emer…
Conrad Bates is managing partner at C3 Business Solutions, an information management company, which helps businesses capture and analyse dat…