The Council of Small Business of Australia is calling for the Australian Taxation Office to take on its role of collecting and distributing …

The Council of Small Business of Australia is calling for the Australian Taxation Office to take on its role of collecting and distributing …
The Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia says it supports moves to decrease the tax-free threshold for online purchases, a…
The Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia says it supports moves to decrease the tax-free threshold for online purchases, as …
Legislation was recently introduced in Federal Parliament to income test the 30% private health insurance rebate in effect from 1 January 1,…
The Federal Government has examined the feasibility of halving the $1,000 tax-free threshold for imports but says the cost of implementing t…
A Western Australian businesswoman has been sentenced to three years jail for understating cash businesses by more than $5.6 million and und…
The Housing Industry Association has warned that SMEs in the building and construction industry will bear the brunt of the Government’s crac…
Dear Aunty B, I have been going through hell struggling to pay bills and with a wife who has been sick. Now I have these ATO guys chasing …
Directors of companies – small, large or otherwise – are facing increased attention from many regulators, including the ATO and ASIC. Th…
The Australian Tax Office has warned against schemes that seek to make interest payments on home loans tax deductable. The draft determin…
Budding entrepreneurs will have been forgiven for being confused by the increasingly shrill carbon tax debate, with plenty of contradictory …
Labor’s carbon pricing plan received mixed reaction from the small business sector, with industry groups condemning the economic impact bu…