Labor’s new R&D Tax Credit was passed through the Senate yesterday with amendments brokered by the Greens, including a quarterly payme…

Labor’s new R&D Tax Credit was passed through the Senate yesterday with amendments brokered by the Greens, including a quarterly payme…
The private equity industry has expressed fears that a renewed hunt by the Australian Taxation Office against Myer investor TPG over gains m…
Businesses are being urged to review their research and development spending after the Government’s new tax credit bill passed the Senate la…
The Tax Office’s latest crackdown on aggressive tax schemes, announced this month, underlines just how gullible investors and business owner…
Increasingly, business owners are looking for flexibility in their employment obligations and ways in which to better manage their labour co…
The Government has issued a new discussion paper on changes to excess superannuation contribution rules, allowing individuals who have breac…
Tax experts are calling for clarification from the Australian Taxation Office after confusion was sparked by a new ruling on the tax treatme…
Company directors in general (and it doesn’t seem to matter whether they are directors of small or large companies) have really been “under …
The world’s most famous investor Warren Buffett has called on Congress to target the favourable tax treatment of the “molly-coddled” wealthy…
Australia has what is called a low value threshold (LVT) of $1,000 for most imports, of which it does not collect GST, customs duty and Gove…
Almost 10,000 companies entered external administration in the 2011 financial year, with SMEs among the hardest hit, with a Tax Office crack…
If you are in the process of finalising your end of financial year accounts and calculating your tax position, keep in mind any tax options …