Tax and treasury officials have said new laws that will make directors liable for unpaid tax and superannuation immediately, rather than wit…

Tax and treasury officials have said new laws that will make directors liable for unpaid tax and superannuation immediately, rather than wit…
The tax law can be accused of many things. Being easy to understand and apply is not generally one of them. The tax law essentially…
Delays in tax refunds, including GST refunds, are causing consternation for some taxpayers and their tax agents. While as at October 1…
The Government has attacked the Coalition after it warned businesses to avoid buying more carbon credits than they need, as it plans to scra…
It wasn’t that regulars found other, more suitable venues for their power lunches, but rather an unexpected tax bill that brought Tony Bil…
Under the GST law, input tax credits can be claimed on tax invoices that have been paid. Sounds simple enough, but if the Tax Office checks …
So the Gillard Government’s carbon tax has passed the Lower House of Federal Parliament and is on its way to become law. That means…
Replacing negative gearing with a new land tax as recommended in the Henry tax review is one idea to come out of the second day of the Tax F…
Partnerships can provide a useful structure to conduct a small business but when things go awry and the partners split there may well be tax…
Assistant Treasurer Bill Shorten has flagged the appointment of an inaugural chair to a soon-to-be established independent tax advisory boar…
Independent MP Rob Oakeshott says the Government should release its response to the Tax Forum by Christmas and has expressed surprise that a…
There is not enough money in the kitty for the states to abolish inefficient state taxes such as payroll, but harmonising state duties over …