Legislation has been introduced in Federal Parliament – the Fair Work Amendment (Textile, Clothing and Footwear Industry) Bill 2011 – wh…

Legislation has been introduced in Federal Parliament – the Fair Work Amendment (Textile, Clothing and Footwear Industry) Bill 2011 – wh…
Wayne Swan has managed to find $7 billion in savings to get the Federal Budget back in surplus by 2012-13, but that sort of cost-cutting doe…
Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan has been forced to swing the axe and cut spending to save Labor’s much-promised 2012-13 budget surplus, with th…
The Inspector-General of Taxation will investigate the taxman’s use of controversial tax benchmarks to spot under-reporting of tax after all…
A leading business group says it’s appalled by the Federal Government’s lack of consultation on lifting compulsory superannuation by 3% …
The local video game industry has come out in support of comments made by arts minister Simon Crean, which advocated extending tax credits a…
Tax experts have welcomed a new consultation paper from the Government that confirms it will not move to tax trusts as companies, but have w…
Australia’s effort to levy extra taxes on mining companies has been an unmitigated debacle, capped by the passage early this morning of the …
Legislation recently introduced in Federal Parliament – the Tax Laws Amendment (Stronger, Fairer, Simpler and Other Measures) Bill 2011 �…
Super experts are divided over whether the Australian Taxation Office needs to provide more information about the improvement of proper…
Accountants say principals should review their business structures following a Tax Office ruling they say could hurt people leaving and ente…
The effects of the downturn are still plaguing businesses, with debt owed by insolvent companies or individuals rising by more than 35% to a…