Capital gains tax concessions for small business along with a clampdown on the taxation of private trusts and lump sum termination payments …

Capital gains tax concessions for small business along with a clampdown on the taxation of private trusts and lump sum termination payments …
Liquidators are expecting another shocking year for corporate insolvencies, after small businesses – particularly in retail and building -…
The Australian Taxation Office will this month contact more than 650 contractors it believes might have wrongly assessed themselve…
Tax commissioner Michael D’Ascenzo has foreshadowed the rise in insolvencies this year, reportedly telling public service union officials …
Australia’s leading union is calling for wholesale changes to Australia’s superannuation system, arguing the current 15% flat tax rate is di…
New legislation designed to make directors of phoenix companies personally liable for any tax debts incurred has been praised as a step in t…
Small businesses will receive goods and service tax refunds faster now the Tax Office has been refused special leave by the High Court in a …
In this my last column for this year, I thought I would look at an aspect of what I consider is the biggest “sleeper” issue in Australian ta…
The taxman is cracking down on boat owners, with the ATO undergoing a new data-matching campaign to identify more than 110,000 people who ow…
The Australian National Audit Office has delivered a blunt warning for entrepreneurs who might be pushing the boundaries of tax laws – the…
As part of its compliance armoury, the ATO uses industry benchmarks to detect cases where businesses may not be properly complying with thei…
Almost 500 companies and individuals were convicted in the September quarter for taxation and superannuation offences, an increase of 20%, a…