The controversy over former House of Representatives speaker Peter Slipper continues with allegations of sexual harassment and travel rorts,…

The controversy over former House of Representatives speaker Peter Slipper continues with allegations of sexual harassment and travel rorts,…
Astute SME owners will carefully coordinate their personal and business end-of-year tax strategies to make the most of changing tax-saving o…
Insolvency experts have reacted negatively to a new draft law released by the Government that would make company directors personally liable…
Back in the 2010-11 Federal Budget on May 11, 2010, the Tax Office received a four-year funding package of $337 million to undertake additio…
The Tax Institute has called on the Government to stop retrospective legislation that puts previously compliant taxpayers and business on th…
People opening self-managed superannuation funds need to be aware of their legal obligations and requirements, experts have warned as new st…
Australia’s black economy could be worth up to 30% of the nation’s gross domestic product according to research presented yesterday by RMIT….
Tax experts have criticised the findings of the Government’s Business Tax Working group, saying the recommendation for businesses to offse…
The tax law contains incentives for businesses to invest in research and development (R&D), but these incentives can be overlooked by ma…
I don’t want to keep harping on about the excess super contributions tax issue, but so far this year, taxpayers are batting zero in excess…
Small businesses are spending almost 500 hours a year on tax red tape according to research presented at a taxation conference in Sydney tod…
Reports continue that the business tax working group is looking into cutting research and development tax concessions for big companies to h…