One of the more contentious issues in the 2012-13 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) is a tax-timing change. Corporate inc…

One of the more contentious issues in the 2012-13 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) is a tax-timing change. Corporate inc…
The Federal Government’s announcement yesterday of a move to monthly company tax payments to shift $8.3 billion into the budget has been cri…
CPA Australia says Australian business need greater integration with Asia in order to boost international competitiveness as businesses stru…
The Federal Government’s Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook released this morning reveals the government will undertake revenue-raising me…
Analysts are calling an end to the grape glut, with industry groups saying this means it’s time to fix the wine tax. After a decade of ov…
The former president of the National Institute of Accountants has been sentenced to five years in jail for tax fraud. The judgement is on…
SMEs deal with the tax system and the ATO in a multitude of ways. It’s not always smooth sailing, but there are avenues for SMEs and others …
“It’s a penalty for employing people”, “it’s a scourge” these were the reactions I got on the topic of payroll tax when I spoke …
The competition regulator has reported on the first 100 days of the carbon tax, and while businesses are quick to complain about the impact …
Self-managed superannuation funds have called on the Federal Government to stop tinkering with the superannuation system. The government …
The ATO has been using benchmarking for some time in its compliance activities. However, a report by the Inspector-General of Taxation, Ali …
The Inspector General of Taxation has announced a work program today to investigate complaints about the Australian Taxation Office’s use …