Retailers are up in arms about the federal government’s new Medicare levy announced yesterday, saying it will limit consumers’ discretio…

Retailers are up in arms about the federal government’s new Medicare levy announced yesterday, saying it will limit consumers’ discretio…
Following days of speculation, Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced today the Medicare levy will rise by 0.5% in order to fund the governm…
Small business advocates have delivered a mixed response to Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s announcement yesterday of a $12 billion budget …
The small business community could be hit by the Coalition’s proposal to tax the largest 3200 companies in order to fund its maternity leave…
While speculation continues apace about possible tax and superannuation changes in the upcoming federal budget, some positive news on the GS…
Self-managed superannuation fund leaders are calling for more policy debate around the longevity of superannuation, as the ageing population…
The Liberal Party will abandon its promise to cut company tax by 1.5%, should it be elected, new reports have suggested, disappointing busin…
Just as Coles and Woolworths put out one fire, another has flared up. For years, the two supermarket rivals have been defending their $1/…
A recent court case has demonstrated the limitations of the Tax Office’s power to collect tax. The case dealt with one of the Tax Commi…
The Tax Institute has raised concerns the loss carry-back measures for small business, promised by the federal government in last year’s bud…
The Australian Tax Office must have one monster computer system to store all the data it continues to accumulate! The use of data-matching (…
A political brawl is brewing over small business with the federal government claiming the Coalition plans to get rid of $5 billion in tax be…