An Abbott government discussion paper designed to boost the data-gathering capabilities of the Australian Taxation Office could see business…

An Abbott government discussion paper designed to boost the data-gathering capabilities of the Australian Taxation Office could see business…
Tax refunds are often thought of as a sacrosanct part of our tax system. They’re not. There is no guarantee that anyone will get a tax refun…
Data-matching by the Tax Office is now a well entrenched feature of the Australian tax landscape. It seems that almost not a week goes by wi…
Australia has one of the highest personal and corporate tax rates in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, according t…
Collectable debt owed to the Australian Taxation Office increased by 6.5% in 2012-13 to almost $18 billion, with small business owing the AT…
Businesses were timid about obtaining credit in the final quarter of 2013, with overall business credit growth up just 0.9% compared to the …
The Australian Taxation Office is considering allowing big businesses to use their own accountants to provide assurance to the ATO on certai…
The building of “granny flats” has taken off in many cities, including Sydney. The relaxing of council regulations surrounding them, includi…
Borrowings by self-managed super funds have increased steadily from 1.1% a year in 2008 to 3.7% in 2012, according to the latest figures fro…
Time is rapidly running out for SMEs to take advantage of the current $6500 outright deduction for low value assets, otherwise known as the …
The tax law contains time limits for doing all sorts of things, including applying for GST refunds. Broadly speaking, under the GST law, an…
Over a million Australians might avoid having to fill in a tax return next year, the ATO has revealed. In a speech delivered at the CPA Co…