Comments by outgoing Treasury secretary Martin Parkinson about payroll tax have caused a stir this week, with business groups slamming any s…

Comments by outgoing Treasury secretary Martin Parkinson about payroll tax have caused a stir this week, with business groups slamming any s…
Joe Hockey’s first budget does not contain much tax reform, in spite of headlines on the “temporary budget repair levy”. It does conta…
The Australian Tax Office has been in the news this week – but not for anything to do with the budget or National Commission of Audit.
Residents in the Sydney suburb of Mosman paid the most income tax in 2011-12, according to data released by the Australian Tax Office today….
The National Commission of Audit is expected to recommend widespread cuts in its 900 page report this afternoon. But the commission is unlik…
Under the capital gains tax laws, taxpayers can be entitled to small business capital gains tax concessions which can, depending on the circ…
Business groups have hit out against the federal government’s so called “debt levy”, saying a potential increase in personal income ta…
Despite what you may think, that is not a rhetorical question. The Australian Tax Office is a large federal government agency that comprises…
The Tax Office is a powerful agency. It has to administer Australia’s very complex tax laws and carry out compliance checks to ensure taxp…
I’ve discussed the various Australian Tax Office data-matching programs on several occasions. SMEs should be aware of the latest programs wh…
The tax system makes many impositions on small businesses, not all of them welcome. The time it takes many SMEs to comply with their tax and…
The Australian Taxation Office has said in Parliament that government could “consider at some point” adding tax debts to credit ratings, in …