The unexpected sweetener in this year’s budget for small business owners was the inclusion of a tax write-off for the purchase of items va…

The unexpected sweetener in this year’s budget for small business owners was the inclusion of a tax write-off for the purchase of items va…
Small businesses will not be subjected to punitive tax avoidance measures to be outlined in the budget tonight, Treasurer Joe Hockey has rev…
The Queensland government has ruled out introducing new taxes on foreign buyers of residential real estate. They are the only state that act…
Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey is hoping big businesses will put their hands up to disclose their tax affairs as part of a voluntary corporate…
The integrity of the tax system is among the key themes of tonight’s budget, with Treasurer Joe Hockey set to announce a series of measure…
The flagship policy of the government’s $5.5 billion Jobs and Small Business package announced in this year’s budget is a 1.5% tax cut f…
The federal government will give the Australian Tax Office an additional $265.5 million over three years to continue its work to stamp out f…
As of 7.30pm this evening, Australian small businesses with turnover below $2 million will be able to immediately deduct every asset the…
Startups are eagerly awaiting the Abbott government’s second budget after Small Business Minister Bruce Billson announced it would contain…
The federal government will need to factor in dramatically falling personal income tax revenues to next week’s budget, according to Deloit…
SME owners with above-average super balances have a strong incentive to try to protect their savings from the risk that a future government …
Just one day after news reports suggested the federal government’s slated 1.5% cut to the company tax rate would apply to the first $5 mil…