Almost 93% of small to medium sized Australian businesses say the cost of taxes and insurance is holding them back, according to research…

Almost 93% of small to medium sized Australian businesses say the cost of taxes and insurance is holding them back, according to research…
The nation’s peak body for small business has welcomed a review of state taxes as part of the federal government’s tax reform process…
Companies around the world are scrambling to overhaul how they communicate with the public when it comes to how much tax they pay, accord…
Rich Lister Brett Blundy looks set to buy two large cattle stations in the Northern Territory. The two properties, Walhallow and Creswell st…
The small business community has backed the Treasurer’s call for a “mature discussion” around any potential reduction in Sunday pen…
Approximately 22% of Australia’s highest earning private companies paid no tax in 2014, according to details provided to a parliamentary i…
The ATO is reviewing contractors working on 2018 Commonwealth Games construction projects So-called phoenix operators, involving the deliber…
Raising the Goods and Services Tax to 15% and broadening its base to include food, education and health would raise a huge amount of revenue…
Small business owners and individual taxpayers are being warned to be extra vigilant to ensure they don’t become the victim of an “aggre…
Valuations are required for a number of tax reasons. For example, to set a cost base for an asset for capital gains tax purposes, or to esta…
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull emerged victorious from his leadership coup promising to put the economy on the right track. The former c…
Issues with the Australian Taxation Office’s online services continue to plague taxpayers and small business owners two months after the A…