The introduction of a so-called “Google tax” on large multinationals that are suspected of shifting profits to low-tax jurisdictions is …

The introduction of a so-called “Google tax” on large multinationals that are suspected of shifting profits to low-tax jurisdictions is …
The introduction of a so-called “Google tax” on large multinationals that are suspected of shifting profits to low-tax jurisdictions is …
By Antony Ting, University of Sydney
US President-elect Donald Trump made an election promise to cut the US federal corporate tax rate f…
Nationals party leader Barnaby Joyce has directly opposed a proposed sugar tax, citing negative impacts on farmers and saying problems aroun…
After months of confusion, fiery election commentary and multiple pieces of legislation, Treasurer Scott Morrison has said the federal gover…
The federal government is considering scrapping all tax deductions for non-compulsory work uniforms as part of a move to ease the “regulator…
What I’m calling a new Australian Internet tax isn’t an actual tax, but it might as well be. There’s an organisation in Australia call…
What I’m calling a new Australian Internet tax isn’t an actual tax, but it might as well be. There’s an organisation in Australia called…
The nation’s leading startup bodies have formed an alliance to lobby the federal government on a series a startup-friendly recommendation…
The nation’s leading startup bodies have formed an alliance to lobby the federal government on a series a startup-friendly recommendation…
“Attention please: Passengers in business class please take note there is a person down the back of the plane who has paid for your privil…
Small businesses are being urged to act now to adopt SuperStream by the end of October to ensure the Australian Tax Office doesn’t come kn…