It’s that time again. The 2009-10 financial year is almost upon us, and the Australian Taxation Office is preparing to knuckle down and get …
It’s that time again. The 2009-10 financial year is almost upon us, and the Australian Taxation Office is preparing to knuckle down and get …
I am a new business earning a small income of around $32,000 per annum. With my tax being approximately $6000, my write-off expenses a…
An overwhelming number of small businesses support the introduction of special international financial reporting standards for SMEs that cou…
I am a sole trader. How do I satisfy the greater than 50% primary business use requirement under the 50% investment allowance? Does driving …
The ATO’s top small business official has urged small businesses struggling with tax debts that they must continue to lodge tax returns and …
The Business Council of Australia has called for the corporate tax rate to be cut from 30% to 15% as part of the Federal Government’s root-a…
The Australian Taxation Office has revealed part of its list of special targets for the 2009-10 tax year, and sales and marketing managers, …
If I buy the asset from overseas is it still applicable for the 50% investment allowance? And if so, can I include the freight? The issu…
The Australian Taxation Office announced much-needed tax relief for small businesses yesterday, but don’t think the Tax Man is going soft. T…
To his credit, the Tax Commissioner Michael D’Ascenzo has for many months been saying that the Tax Office would help small businesses manage…
The key issue would likely be whether or not you are carrying on a business. To be eligible for the investment allowance the asset needs …
Australian Taxation Office commissioner Michael D’Ascenzo has announced new measures to help small businesses earning less than $2 million i…