The beginning of a new financial year always brings into effect new tax measures, whether they are changes in tax rates, depreciation rates,…

The beginning of a new financial year always brings into effect new tax measures, whether they are changes in tax rates, depreciation rates,…
The Federal Government’s new round of income tax cuts have come into effect, along with a swag of other tax reforms to kick off the start of…
The purchase of a business does not qualify for the investment allowance. An eligibility requirement is that it is a new asset depreciab…
With the end of the financial year now upon us, SMEs will soon be preparing their tax returns and brushing up on the Government’s new tax la…
Businesses hoping to take advantage of the special investment allowance using hire purchase arrangements have been warned not to get caught …
A survey of 900 companies has found that most would be in favour of a two-tier tax system, with a simplified tax system for SMEs. The sur…
The ATO recently released a very important ruling – Superannuation Guarantee Ruling SGR 2009/2 – that explains the tax commissioner’s view o…
New cars used primarily in a business in Australia are eligible assets for the investment allowance. The legislation provides that an as…
Last week SmartCompany brought you 15 tax tips from the experts, but with the end of the financial year in sight we thought just 15 weren’t …
A rugby league star and an AFL football player have set an important precedent for sports stars after the High Court declared they could rec…
My wife and I are about to start a new small business where we will be required to buy a dual-cab ute and a catering trailer. Both the…
Tax time is here again, and the ATO has been reminding taxpayers of their obligations and warning of the issues it will be particularly look…