Tax experts have slammed the Opposition’s plan to fund a six-month paid parental leave scheme via a 1.7% tax on companies that earn more tha…

Tax experts have slammed the Opposition’s plan to fund a six-month paid parental leave scheme via a 1.7% tax on companies that earn more tha…
So-called “phoenix” activities have been around for quite awhile. They arise when a business is deliberately liquidated in order to avoid th…
Costs for small businesses are likely to rise as a result of the Government’s new bookkeeping regulations, but SMEs will get higher standard…
The average median balanced option in Australia’s largest super funds has recorded a dip in January, falling 2.17% as sharemarkets headed so…
While Jeremy Cooper might be powering along with his review of the superannuation system (his report is due by June 30, 2010), the ATO conti…
The Queensland Government will postpone debate on the controversial changes to land tax legislation after a number of industry groups, and b…
The Government’s proposed changes to bankruptcy laws, which would raise the minimum level of debt required before bankruptcy can be declared…
The Australian Taxation Office will begin to crack down on loans made from self-managed superannuation funds, it was revealed at an industry…
Making errors when dealing with tax, whether it’s income tax, GST, FBT or PAYG, can be costly. So, it pays not to make errors in the first p…
Self-managed superannuation funds are being targeted by criminal gangs, with thieves either engaging in identity theft or convincing fund ho…
The Board of Taxation is expected to recommend the Government amend the tax valuation system for share schemes in smaller businesses, after …
GST is not always a straightforward tax. And when it concerns GST on property, there can be several shades of grey involved. Any SME conside…