A couple of issues have come to attention that are relevant to SMEs. They involve more Tax Office data-matching and ATO concerns at small bu…

A couple of issues have come to attention that are relevant to SMEs. They involve more Tax Office data-matching and ATO concerns at small bu…
A tax expert has attacked the Australian Taxation Office’s decision to crack down on trust arrangements used by self managed super funds to …
New statistics from the Australian Taxation office have revealed that SMEs spend a whopping 3.25 days filling out tax for fringe benefits ta…
The Australian Taxation Office has warned operators of DIY-super funds against making up excuses for breaching annual limits on contribution…
For many employers, March means fringe benefits tax (FBT) time. As the tax is levied on employers, the compliance headache largely falls on …
The Australian Taxation Office is increasingly relying on social networking sites, including Facebook and MySpace, to piece together prima f…
The Government should no longer delay its response to the Henry Tax Review, with tax experts calling for its release before the May Budget s…
Financial planners report that the halving of the contribution caps on concessional super contributions is driving investors into higher-ris…
Provisions in the tax law prevent losses from so-called non-commercial business activities being offset against income from other sources. A…
Swiss banking giant UBS has revealed it has fielded requests from the Australian Taxation Office regarding the use of offshore tax havens by…
Executives can now defer the tax payable on their shares and options provided through corporate schemes after they have completed one year o…
The ATO has traditionally guarded taxpayer confidentiality with zeal. It takes its role in that regard very seriously. But proposed changes …