The Government will finally unveil its long-awaited response to the Henry Tax Review on Sunday, with treasurer Wayne Swan flagging a number …

The Government will finally unveil its long-awaited response to the Henry Tax Review on Sunday, with treasurer Wayne Swan flagging a number …
The Australian Taxation Office has managed to identify $275 million in tax liabilities while conducting audits of the country’s most wealthy…
How can ASIC records affect anything to do with tax? What’s ASIC got to do with tax? Well, the tax law contains a regime that enables t…
A leading expert on research and development assistance says the Government’s revised R&D tax incentive plan is still too complex and wi…
The fallout from the Australian Taxation Office’s disastrous IT upgrade continues, with the ATO admitting that it posted 140,000 refund lett…
If you’re using offshore havens to avoid paying your tax bill, the Australian Taxation Office has a message – own up, or we’re coming afte…
Reports of banks and the ATO chasing SMEs for debts owing is a concern. As if running a small business is not difficult enough in these time…
The Australian Taxation Office raised $127 million during the second half of 2009 thanks to its attack on the cash economy, commissioner Mic…
The Inspector General of Taxation has formally launched an inquiry into the way the ATO audits wealthy taxpayers and SMEs, after complaints …
In an eagerly awaited decision, the High Court has unanimously handed down its judgment in the Bamford case confirming that it is correct to…
Tax experts say the Government’s revised R&D tax credit should be easier for SMEs to understand and access, thanks to Treasury’s decisio…
The software sector appears to have had its access to R&D tax breaks restored, with the Government changing its new R&D tax credit t…