SMEs provide employment for approximately 30% of the Australian workforce, with an increasing number of people being hired on a contractual …

SMEs provide employment for approximately 30% of the Australian workforce, with an increasing number of people being hired on a contractual …
The Australian Taxation Office’s tax haven taskforce Project Wickenby has claimed another scalp, with the director of a small NSW company se…
Apparently we can cut the resource rent tax rate from 40 to 22.5%, more than double the profit threshold above which it cuts in and reduce t…
The mining sector might be celebrating a compromise with the Government over the Resources Super Profit Tax, but the small and medium busine…
The mining industry has scored a major victory in the battle with the Government over the Resources Super Profits Tax, with the Government c…
Accounting industry bodies and software providers have welcomed the launch of the Federal Government’s Standard Business Reporting regime, w…
When cashflow is tight there is a temptation for business owners to find working capital by not remitting taxes such as GST, PAYG withholdin…
The Government has told companies hoping to access tax breaks for research and development that its controversial R&D tax credit scheme …
Entrepreneurs and their employees will see a bit more in their pay packets this week as the third tranche of the Rudd Government’s tax cuts …
Commissioner of Taxation Michael D’Ascenzo has hinted that taxpayers and tax practitioners may face delays as the Australian Taxation Office…
Business groups are calling on the Federal Government to urgently clarify whether its controversial R&D tax credit scheme will come into…
With less than three full working days until the June 30 deadline, entrepreneurs who are yet to finalise their tax affairs are being warned …