Recent amendments to the tax law have given the Tax Commissioner new expanded power when it comes to collecting tax debts. He can now requir…

Recent amendments to the tax law have given the Tax Commissioner new expanded power when it comes to collecting tax debts. He can now requir…
Claiming a tax deduction for the interest paid on funds borrowed is one of the most basic tax deductions on offer. It’s a “bread and butter”…
The Australian Taxation Office will launch a special crackdown on eBay sellers as it attempts to find tax dodgers who are under-reporting in…
Succession planning remains a big blind spot for many business owners, particularly those working in family business. But entrepreneurs must…
The promise, which would cost the Budget $2.1 billion a year on a recurrent basis and will be paid for out of the Coalition’s pool of spendi…
Tonight’s edition of ABC Television’s Australian Story, featuring music promoter and convicted tax cheat Glenn Wheatley promises to be compe…
In simple terms, under the GST law, sales of residential premises are considered to be input taxed supplies and the seller does not have to …
Much has already been written (much is always written) about the latest ATO compliance program for 2010-11. The public release of these prog…
Today’s strong jobs data and a 2% jump in the sharemarket should have everyone in a good mood. The economy is getting back on track and ma…
The ATO’s new compliance program for 2010-11 has revealed a continued focus on wealthy taxpayers, with wealthy taxpayers operating in priv…
The Federal Government has welcomed the Australian Taxation Office’s decision to extend the Small Business Assistance Package for another …
The Australian Taxation Office says it will remain “empathetic” to the plight of struggling SMEs still feeling the GFC hangover, but has…