Tax experts have welcomed two new amendments to the Government’s new research and development tax credit legislation but say the changes don…

Tax experts have welcomed two new amendments to the Government’s new research and development tax credit legislation but say the changes don…
The ATO has warned taxpayers to make sure they correctly report property transactions (including transfers, sales and purchases) on income t…
In the wake of a much anticipated election result and minority Labour government coming into power, small business is left wondering where a…
The Government has amended the R&D tax credit legislation ahead of its introduction into Parliament but tax experts say the minor change…
New Minister for Financial Services Bill Shorten says he will hold discussions with contractor groups and unions over tax arrangements for i…
Innovation minister Kim Carr says the new R&D tax credit legislation will enter Parliament next week and says the Government will make t…
The ATO is taking its data matching processes to the next level, announcing that it will ask state and territory authorities for data that w…
Our fringe benefits tax (FBT) laws are, in many ways, no different to the income tax laws. Both have their complexities and quirks. And they…
Employers are pushing for changes to the Gillard government’s election pledge to not alter workplace relations. Unions want to sc…
The fight over the National Broadband Network is ramping up, with the government set to fast-track high-speed broadband to rural areas. …
The ATO is planning to run a pilot program on asset betterment reviews in the SME market. These reviews are generally done to ascertain if i…
A recent decision by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) should serve as a warning for any employer who employs independent contractor…