Critics of Industry Minister Kim Carr’s R&D tax credit scheme have called for the Government to submit the bill to another review, after…

Critics of Industry Minister Kim Carr’s R&D tax credit scheme have called for the Government to submit the bill to another review, after…
The Government has announced it will extend its director penalties regime to crack down on directors of companies that fail to make super gu…
Self-managed super funds (SMSFs) have grown spectacularly in recent years and that growth seems to be continuing. However, the key regulator…
Small businesses will get more support from the Federal Government’s reworked research and development tax credit system, according to Inn…
iiNet, the country’s third-largest telecommunications company will establish an in-house research and development division to create new pro…
Paul Hogan’s five-year battle with the Australian Crime Commission over the use of offshore tax havens has ended, with the Crime Commission …
The Federal Government’s long-awaited R&D tax credit system has moved a step closer to implementation, with the legislation supporting t…
Victoria is the most business-friendly jurisdiction in Australia, according to the Business Council of Australia, surpassing the Federal Gov…
The cash economy has been a major focus of the ATO for years – and a major focus for tax administrations in other countries as well. Austr…
Over the last month or so I’ve had a taste of what life must like for Anthony Robbins or Edward De Bono (or maybe not!) with a four-city tou…
Nearly 400 people were convicted in the September quarter for tax and superannuation offences, the Australian Taxation Office has revealed, …
Certain portions of employment termination payments are tax-free. These include what are known as the “invalidity segment” of such payments,…