The year is just under way and now is the time to start planning your tax matters for 2011. If you’re new to business then you have …
The year is just under way and now is the time to start planning your tax matters for 2011. If you’re new to business then you have …
So-called sham contracting arrangements – essentially where (often young) employees are classified as independent contractors instead of emp…
An unknown number of entrepreneurs, politicians and company chiefs are squirming tonight after controversial former Swiss banker Rudolf Elme…
The Retail Coalition is to issue documents to the Australian Securities Investment Commission to incorporate its activities, enabling it to …
Tens of thousands of businesses are set to be hit with a $500 fee from July 1 for complying with the Federal Government’s anti-money launder…
Half of all payment arrangements that the ATO enters into with businesses end in default, it has been revealed. The statistic was unea…
Tough new restrictions on superannuation concessional contributions caps are hurting small business owners, according to super experts. �…
The Pratt family’s long list of court battles is getting longer, with news that the family is involved in a $220 million battle with the Aus…
It’s amazing what can happen to a treasurer in the space of half a year or so. In the first half of 2010 Wayne Swan announced what I believe…
Retail billionaire Gerry Harvey might not be backing down from his contention that the Government should scrap the GST exemption for goods p…
Tax experts have raised questions about whether plans by big Australian retailers to set up sites offshore to take advantage of the GST exem…
This week the retail industry has called on the Government to “level the playing field” and either charge GST for imports under $1,000 or dr…