“Nudges and warnings”: ATO steps up super payments crackdown
The ATO says it will be stepping up its enforcement of superannuation guarantee laws amid increasing availability of real-time data.
“Give us a call”: Fast-tracked tax refunds on offer for flood-affected businesses
The tax office has advised flood-affected businesses they can access additional support, including fast-tracked tax refunds, to get back on their feet.
Tax refunds hit $10 billion as ATO processes four million returns
The ATO has warned taxpayers about reporting their income incorrectly as it reveals $10 billion in refunds has been processed this year so far.
Tax office whistleblower launches crowdfunding campaign to help face off possible 161-year prison sentence
A tax office whistleblower facing a possible 161-year jail sentence for shining a light on ATO debt collection behaviour is asking for public support.
To report or not to report: How the ATO’s focus on crypto applies to you
The ATO is using data from digital currency exchanges to identify buyers and sellers of cryptocurrency. Here's what you need to know.
ATO to visit 700 businesses as it hunts for black economy bandits
The tax office will knock on the doors of 700 businesses in Western Australia next month as part of ongoing efforts to address black economy activity.
“Black hole of credit-reporting bureaus”: Government proposes allowing ATO to share tax debt info
A government proposal to allow the tax office to share unpaid bills with credit bureaus is being closely watched by the ASBFEO.
The $500,000 cheque Dick Smith says he doesn’t deserve
Dick Smith called the tax office to complain after it sent him $500,000 for franking credit refunds, calling it "outrageous".
Temporal landmarks: Why science says 1 July is a special date
1 July is a special time on the Australian calendar. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of the new financial year opportunity this time around.
Tax office to scrutinise over $7 billion in car claims, concerned many are dodgy
Worried about dodgy car claims, the ATO says it will be giving added scrutiny to billions in work-related expenses this year.
Employers warned: Cash-in-hand tax “loophole” closing after black economy blitz
Employers paying cash-in-hand are being warned their tax deductions will be going out the window from 1 July amid an ongoing black economy crackdown.
“Lean ships”: Cash-strapped small businesses plan to snub $30,000 instant asset write-off
While the government increased the instant asset write-off threshold to $30,000 earlier this year, businesses are looking for smaller purchases.