It’s that time again. The 2009-10 financial year is almost upon us, and the Australian Taxation Office is preparing to knuckle down and get …

It’s that time again. The 2009-10 financial year is almost upon us, and the Australian Taxation Office is preparing to knuckle down and get …
The Australian Taxation Office has revealed part of its list of special targets for the 2009-10 tax year, and sales and marketing managers, …
Research firm Chant West has forecast the median balanced superannuation fund will report a 13.4% fall in the 12 month to 30 June, making 20…
Superannuation funds posted their strongest monthly gain in a decade in April, sparked by surging global equity markets. Data from res…
In a move that will allow SMEs to breathe a sigh of relief, the tax office has decided against extending superannuation payments to overtime…
As I prepare to fly to Canberra for my 35th budget lock up, I find the anticipation no less than the first one. Every budget is like a good …
High and middle income earners have plenty of good reason to be anxious about next week’s federal budget, with the Government searching for …
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says the Government will not abandon its planned tax cuts for high income earners, despite a looming budget defici…
Superannuation fund members finally have a reason to smile, after the average super fund gained 2.24% in March. But Jeff Bresnahan, ch…
Numerous cashed-up investors – who are waiting on the sidelines before striking back into the sharemarket – are potentially throwing away th…
Superannuation funds continued to deliver bad news in February, but there is some bright news on the horizon – March should see the first po…
Entrepreneurs and managers who panic during the downturn and drive away their best staff away will face savage skills shortages when superan…