Now that the 1 July 2008 income tax cuts are looking much more certain, it is time to start planning. By TERRY HAYES of Thomson Legal & Regu…

Now that the 1 July 2008 income tax cuts are looking much more certain, it is time to start planning. By TERRY HAYES of Thomson Legal & Regu…
Acquiring a business, by whichever means, is more likely to be a success if the new enterprise can be tied to your primary business’s core…
How Australian manufacturer Smartpack Kitchens survived and thrived in the face of the onslaught of Chinese competition. By MIKE PRESTON. B…
The founder of franchised DVD retail chain EzyDVD, Jim Zavos, has resigned as chief executive.Zavos has also reportedly resigned as a direct…
Many of the more than 40,000 business owners who have rushed to set up self-managed super funds over the last six months may not have the sk…
Here are my top 10 tips for getting noticed and getting ahead in the workplace. 1. Be an idea champion: Show initiative, suggest …
Dear Aunty B,
I love business. I can cope with the paperwork, I can cope with handling difficult staff and I accept that I have…
Business groups will closely scrutinise new minimum employment standards to be released by the Rudd Government on Thursday to ensure new rig…
Federal Government departments will come under greater pressure to pay amounts owed to small business creditors within 30 days under a propo…
Past franchisees have a lot to offer the system – and changes to the code’s disclosure provisions may be the positive filip the model need…
Preparing your business for sale will not only help maximise the value, but can quicken up the sale process. By TOM McKASKILL. By Tom McKas…
Changes are afoot on the legally required responsibilities that employers must meet in regard to staff family commitments. Is your business …