I often get asked can the property market continue to grow from its current levels and reach new heights. While I do not believe every pr…

I often get asked can the property market continue to grow from its current levels and reach new heights. While I do not believe every pr…
Australian self-managed superannuation fund professionals are urging people to seek advice before establishing an SMSF, or risk inadequately…
On April 5, the federal government announced a number changes to superannuation. The main change is the proposed new tax on pension earnings…
Four Melbourne businesses running seminars on investing in real estate through self-managed super funds are being investigated by ASIC over …
Self-managed superannuation fund leaders are calling for more policy debate around the longevity of superannuation, as the ageing population…
The government’s proposed changes to superannuation are likely to impact on the most satisfied account holders, the latest Roy Morgan Resear…
Australia’s corporate watchdog has issued a warning to the self-managed superannuation market, saying the industry often fell short of the m…
The self-managed superannuation fund sector is soaring, with the Australian Taxation Office revealing it expects more than 1,0000 applicatio…
There are several options that the ATO has to deal with contraventions of superannuation law by the trustee of a self-managed superannuation…
Property investors can use limited recourse borrowing (LRBA) to fund off-the-plan investments using their self-managed super funds. Unde…
Superannuation giant AMP is set to launch a new self-managed superannuation fund services range as it expands into the SMSF sector. The c…
Stephen Long’s story last Monday night on the ABC’s Four Corners beautifully illustrated the human cost of financial misconduct, as retirees…