As self-managed super funds continue to grow in popularity, so too does the information available — whether it is online or in print. Howe…

As self-managed super funds continue to grow in popularity, so too does the information available — whether it is online or in print. Howe…
Australian investors have benefited from almost $70 billion in dividends throughout 2013-2014 with $10 billion going to self-managed superan…
Almost one quarter of Australian small business owners are members of a self-managed super fund, according to research, with the majority of…
Property investors are increasingly using self-managed super funds (SMSF) as low cost investment vehicles. But recent moves by the Aus…
The SMSF Professionals’ Association of Australia has developed best practice guidelines for self-managed super fund limited recourse borro…
A Melbourne man has been charged with defrauding 14 investors of more than $1 million over a three-year period. Barry John Patrick of Sunbur…
As July 1 fast approaches, SmartCompany takes a look at how you can make the most of your self-managed super fund before the end of the fina…
The interest of younger generations in self-managed superannuation funds is growing, as more young professionals start making long-term deci…
Borrowings by self-managed super funds have increased steadily from 1.1% a year in 2008 to 3.7% in 2012, according to the latest figures fro…
Reduced super contributions caps for people over 50 have resulted in self-managed superannuation fund contributions falling by almost 25% in…
The Australian Taxation Office has launched a campaign against tax avoidance schemes run by trust funds and debt-laden companies. The tax …
A former company director has been charged with eight counts of fraudulent misappropriation in a New South Wales Magistrates’ Court, followi…